Xcpc emulator

Amstrad CPC emulator

Xcpc v0.38.0 has been released

cover🔗 published by Olivier Poncet on Friday, Apr 7, 2023 at 17:30

The version v0.38.0 of Xcpc has been released !

What’s new ?

It’s been a long time since the last release. This version is mainly a maintenance release. It contains some bug fixes, improvements and a huge cleanup and refactoring has been done.

A full continuous integration is now configured and running on a private instance of a gitlab-ce platform. It automatically builds the new versions and binary Debian packages for the amd64 and arm64 architectures.


2023-04-07	Olivier Poncet <olivier.poncet@xcpc-emulator.net>

	* Huge cleanup and refactoring.
	* User interface refactoring.
	* Command-line parsing fixed.
	* Some emulation fixes.
	* Autotoolization updated.
	* CI/CD and debianization.
	* Documentation fixed and updated.


You can download this release by clicking on the following links.

Source code:

Debian package for the amd64 architecture:

Debian package for the arm64 architecture:

You can also find all previous versions on the download page.

Source code

You can browse the source code by clicking on the following links:

You can also clone the git repository:

git clone -b xcpc-0.38.0 git@github.com:ponceto/xcpc-emulator.git
git clone -b xcpc-0.38.0 git@gitlab.com:ponceto/xcpc-emulator.git
git clone -b xcpc-0.38.0 git@bitbucket.org:ponceto/xcpc.git